Exclamation point, this is my first post! Finally, after my mom made her "February Challenge" she let me put up a blog! It had actually been a misunderstanding that I wasn't allowed to... She thought I was asking for a myspace when I was asking for a blog. But now I have a blog, and I'm doing my first post! (Oh, and Mom, I'm in on the "February Challenge") Mom just taught me most of what I need to know about blogging on Blogger. And she also warned me not to block her, which I wouldn't do anyway. Well, I'm kind of stumped on what to say... So I'll say I'm happy to have a blog and to be eligible for the Ferbruary Challenge! What else to say... Well, I'm glad January's over, (Very stressful month... Every single year...) and I hope February's better! That's about all I can think of right now, so I guess I'll try to post something else. Exclamation point, this was my first post!
a favor....of the energy kind
11 years ago
Wow! Your colors are very bright and exciting. Congratulations on your first post.
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