A while ago I took a really good picture of our puppy Gracie and our old dog Dakota who passed away. I showed the picture to my parents, put it on my computer, my parents got it, they sent it to my Nona and Grandpa, who LOVED Dakota so much, and they sent it off to this place that put it in a frame. Then, when we went to California to visit our family this Christmas break, my Nona and Grandpa gave the picture in the frame to my mom and dad. Mom, you were there for it, so you already know, and since you're pretty much the only one reading my blog, there's really no point in me writing this. But I thought I would anyway. Well, I was pretty much crying. It's a really nice picture.
a favor....of the energy kind
11 years ago
It is a very nice picture and you are a very talented photographer. Thank you for putting so much effort into creating a beautiful tribute to a fantastic dog.
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