I HATE THE WASL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I'm in the same WASL testing room as three of my friends, but the problem is is that EVERYONE ELSE IS REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so there's the dude that's loud and obnoxious and tears up your homework, the dude who everyone hates because he calls you bad words no matter who you are, the four annoying, loud, preppy girls who can't shut up to SAVE THEIR LIVES, the dude who can't stop staring at you whether he's testing or not, the girl who finishes before everyone and then looks at you like she's better than you, the dude who, when finished, makes odd noises through his mouth, and then is told to shut up by the dude who is loud and obnoxious and tears up your homework, and then there's that one kid NO ONE KNOWS. It's like the worst testing room EVER!
So I like to take my time, and make sure I've done everything right, you know? And when there's 30 minutes left and people are whispering to eachother and laughing at jokes no one else heard, it's not the easiest place to work. Is it so wrong to check over you work, people? And if you've done that, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just stick you nose in a book and
Sorry, taking out anger here from sitting in a classroom testing from 8:30 to 11:00.
Ok, well my friend doesn't have to take the WASL because her mom signed a note that said she didn't have to. So today I was walking to lunch, and that friend came out of my english teacher's room, which is where she would be testing, if she were testing. Well, anyway, we get jolly ranchers each time we take the test, so that's one every day of testing. Ok, well here's what happened:
My friend: Mr. English Teacher won't give me a jolly rancher!
Me: Why?
My friend: I don't know!
Me: Maybe because you WEREN'T TAKING THE WASL??? (I didn't actually yell that.)
Cami: (As we walk by Mr. English Teacher) Well the jolly ranchers are probably to reward the people that did take the test, not the people who didn't.
Mr. English Teacher: (Smiles) Yup.
So that's what happened. Now I don't have WASL testing tomorrow, but I do have a scale test in band. So I must practice, then I must sleep. The WASL just BURNT. ME. OUT. (We did math with tools on Tuesday, math without tools on Wednesday, and Writing 1 today.) Wish me luck on Writing 2 on... Tuesday? Maybe Monday. (And wish me luck on passing the WASL!!!) Bye!!!!
They try and make the WASL seem fun. I THINK NOT!!!
a favor....of the energy kind
11 years ago
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