Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Camera and Button!

Taylor is tirrrrrrrredddddd.

I have terribly chapped lips. stupid stuffed nose, making me breath through my mouth!!!
(whine whine whine, is that all I do lately?)

OK! So, my power point went reeeeeeeeally good.
I was the only one with a power point, everyone else did like posters or stuff like that. Well mine was second to last, and it went very well.
I think I got full credit. :]

Button is doing amazing. She is growing, and I cleaned out her cage, and decided to put newspaper on the bottom of her cage this time (there was poop crusted on the bottom... terribly hard to clean.) and she loves hiding underneath it. I'm not sure how she's taking the cold, but her heated side is just warm enough for her.

For Christmas, I want a camera. Like a real one. And I want it to be a funky color and easy enough for me to figure out, but also digital and not small and crappy like the one my grandparents gave me. (You have to connect it to a computer to see the photos, and they're really bad quality.) Really, that is the only thing I want for Christmas.
I mean, of course I'd be disappointed if that was all that I got, but I really do want one. Maybe I can buy one with my Christmas and birthday money combined...
OH and I also want a kitten in a stocking. Like a real kitten. But that's not likely. :[

Ok, well that's all that I have to say.

23 days


Gina said...

So you want something like a real kitten in your stocking... hmm.. I wonder if there's a taxidermy shop in Oly? (sorry I couldn't resist)

Congratulations on the power point! You are a great student.

Gina said...

by the way.. what exactly is a funky color? Are we talking garish or just not black or silver?

Taylor said...

bleh, Mom. bleh. not nice

eh, you know.
neon pink, lime green, ice blue
that kind of thing.
;] Don't worry, you can do it.