Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vacation Dare

Hey everyone. We're going on vacation in a couple days. Right now I'm wearing a guy's jacket with one of my dad's old ties, and I'm about to put on stripey socks. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and assure them that I hadn't died. =D

I dare you all to rigght about what you did/doing for vacation this year, or the last time you went on vacation what you did. =D I know that you most likely won't do it, but it's just a dare. =D bye!


Gina said...

You already know what I have done for the last twelve years of vacations so what could I rigght about that would interest you?

dkuroiwa said...

Vacation.....hmmmm...I've heard of this the school is still in session until July 20, it's hard to think in terms of "vacation" right now....ask me again in a few weeks....THEN I just might take that dare!!!
Have a wonderful vacation!!!

Coble said...

I remember a camping trip that we went on a few years ago with our friends the you know them? :-) It was the best camping trip I'd ever been on!
But the most recent vacation was a trip to Disneyland where I rode California Screamin' (one of my favorite rides) for the first time!